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Try Our Bottled Rubs And Sauce If You Love Our Recipes

(And We Know You Do)

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Amazingribs.com Red Meat Rub and Dry Brine

Smoked Red Meat Seasoning & Dry Brine

Amazingribs.com Tuscan Herb poultry rub and dry brine

Tuscan Herb Poultry Seasoning & Dry Brine

Amazingribs.com Pork Rub and dry brine

Smoked Pork Seasoning & Dry Brine

meatheads barbecue sauce

“Good Enough To Drink” KC BBQ Sauce

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How to get your FREE Cookbook...

At the moment we have six ebook cookbooks on Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Kobo. They are really focused and detailed and they cost $3.99 each (everyone tells us we should charge more). When you order one of our rubs, just use your smartphone and point the camera at the QR code on the label and we’ll email you the book of your choice, free!

Pulled pork sandwich

The History Of Our Rubs & Sauces

Many meals ago, in 2005, my neighbor challenged me to a rib cookoff. I won, got a swelled head, and built a website to share my “secrets.” Now, according to Forbes, Meathead’s AmazingRibs.com is “By far the leading resource for BBQ and grilling information” and I am in the Barbecue Hall of Fame.

Since I founded the site in 2005 I have shared more than a dozen rub and sauce recipes for free. All of them have won big bucks in competitions and been used in restaurants. Finally, after 16 years, we listened to your requests and created bottled rubs and a sauce.

Amazingribs.com Red Meat Rub and Dry Brine

Meathead’s Amazing Smoked Red Meat Seasoning & Dry Brine

This smoked variation on my famous Cow Crust recipe takes it to the next level. Sprinkle on one tablespoon per pound of meat two hours or more before cooking. Called “dry brining,” the salt gets wet, ionizes, becomes a brine, and slowly penetrates deep, enhancing flavor and juiciness while building a nice crusty “bark” on the surface. Sprinkle some on at the table too!

It is perfect for steaks, brisket, beef roasts, beef ribs, burgers, lamb, venison, duck, and goose. Mix with cream cheese to make a super Boursin-like cheese spread or sour cream to make a dip. It is not too spicy for kids, but if you want it hot, add pepper flakes or smoky chipotle. Shake before using.

MSG Free, Non-GMO, Kosher Pareve & Made in the U.S.A.

Watch our friend Jabin Postal cook two perfect ribeyes with this rub and the reverse sear/cold grate method on a Slow N Sear. Perfection!

Here’s our friend Rus Jones making Moink Balls with this Smoked Red Meat Seasoning and our KC BBQ Sauce. Droool worthy!

Amazingribs.com Tuscan Herb poultry rub and dry brine

Meathead’s Amazing Tuscan Herb Poultry Seasoning & Dry Brine

This variation of my famous Simon & Garfunkel recipe has parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, and other goodies, all singing in harmony. Sprinkle on one tablespoon per pound of meat two hours or more before cooking. Called “dry brining,” the salt gets wet, ionizes, becomes a brine, and slowly penetrates deep, enhancing flavor and juiciness.

Designed for chicken and turkey, it works great on pork, veal, seafood, potatoes, risotto, and most veggies. Don’t cover it with sauce! Let it shine on its own! Mix with cream cheese to make a super Boursin-like cheese spread or sour cream to make a dip. It is not too spicy for kids, but if you want it hot, add pepper flakes or smoky chipotle. Shake before using.

MSG Free, Non-GMO, Kosher Pareve & Made in the U.S.A.

Here’s a great video by our friend Jabin Postal doing a turkey with our Tuscan Herb Poultry Seasoning and Dry Brine on the new Slow ‘N Sear Kettle.

Amazingribs.com Pork Rub and dry brine

Meathead’s Amazing Smoked Pork Seasoning & Dry Brine

This smoked variation on my famous Memphis Dust recipe takes it to the next level. Sprinkle one tablespoon per pound of meat two hours or more before cooking. Called “dry brining,” the salt gets wet, ionizes, becomes a brine, and slowly penetrates deep, enhancing flavor and juiciness while building a nice crusty “bark” on the surface. Sprinkle some on at the table too!

Designed for pork, it works great on chicken, turkey, veal, salmon, French fries, on the rim of a bloody Mary, even popcorn. Mix with cream cheese to make a super Boursin-like cheese spread or sour cream to make a dip. It is not too spicy for kids, but if you want it hot, add pepper flakes or smoky chipotle.

Gluten Free, Non GMO, Kosher Pareve & Made in the U.S.A.

Here’s a great video by our friend Jabin Postal doing ribs with our Smoked Pork Seasoning & Dry Brine with our KC BBQ Sauce on the Slow ‘N Sear Travel Kettle.

meatheads barbecue sauce

Meathead’s Amazing “Good Enough To Drink” KC BBQ Sauce

Based on my “KC Classic” barbecue sauce recipe found here and in my book, “Meathead, The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling,” this sauce has a secret natural flavor not in the original recipe. See if you can guess it!

Use it on pork, poultry, meatballs, potatoes, and meatloaf. Mix it in my Burger Glop, baked beans, and sloppy Joes. A squeeze in Ranch dressing will amp up your salads. Mild enough for the kids, add a splash of your favorite hot sauce for a kick.

Contains no high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Shake well and refrigerate after opening. Made in the U.S.A.

Here’s a great video by our friend Jabin Postal doing ribs with our Smoked Pork Seasoning & Dry Brine with our KC BBQ Sauce on the Slow ‘N Sear Travel Kettle.

Why is there salt in our rubs?

Attention Resellers

If you are a reseller you can order in case lots at wholesale direct from Old World Spices, the manufacturer. Contact us here and we will hook you up and when you have them in stock we will add you to this list of other places that sell our rubs and sauces.

black swan barbecue sauces

Some other fun sauces - Black Swan Sauce

Let me introduce you to Black Swan sauces created by our own Max Good (hey, everyone has a side gig nowadays). He has 3 flavors, The Original Sauce, Beso del Fuego (with some heat), and Sweet Cognac (my favorite).

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Meathead’s Amazing Smoked Red Meat Seasoning & Dry Brine

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Meathead’s Amazing Tuscan Herb Poultry Seasoning & Dry Brine

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Meathead’s Amazing Smoked Pork Seasoning & Dry Brine

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Meathead’s Amazing “Good Enough To Drink” KC BBQ Sauce

Why there is salt in our rub…

When you make rubs at home we recommend you add salt first then the herbs and spices because salt penetrates deep and the other stuff remains on the surface. So thick cuts need more salt. We put salt in these bottled rubs because all commercial rubs have salt and consumers expect it. You can still use these as a dry brine, just sprinkle the rub on well in advance to give the salt time to penetrate. For very thick cuts of meat, we recommend adding a bit more salt. Salt appears first in the ingredients list because the law says the order is by weight, not volume, and salt is a heavy rock.

Sprinkle on one tablespoon per pound of meat two hours or more before cooking if you can. Called “dry brining,” the salt gets wet, ionizes, becomes a brine, and slowly penetrates deep, enhancing flavor and juiciness while building a nice crusty “bark” on the surface. Sprinkle some on at the table too!

Are they hot? No! You can always add hot pepper flakes or Chipotle powder (my fave) in advance or at the table. But we left them mild so you can serve them to kids and Aunt Matilda