By far the leading resource for barbecue and grilling information and recipes. Also by far the best critical and detailed review site for hardware, with deep dives into every kind of grill, smoker, pizza oven, griddle and outdoor oven you can imagine. I always check it before acquiring any new backyard gear.
Larry Olmsted, Forbes
Thoughtful and magnificent.
Colson Whitehead, two time Pulitzer Prize winner
For anyone into barbecue, it is a destination site… The writing is sharp, tinged with humor, laced with insight and nearly always grammatically correct.
Jim Shahin, Washington Post
I am a rabbi serving a community in a small southern city. A real good New York pastrami is a rare commodity. I was born and raised in New York and know my pastrami. I just made your Close to Katz’s Pastrami {link it} for the first time and I have to tell you, eating my first sandwich was truly a religious experience. Tonight I loaded up some good rye bread, a nice deli mustard, and an absurdly high stack of those yummy, cured and smoked slices of Heaven. I can say in no uncertain terms it was the best sandwich I’ve had in a very long time. You rock.
Rabbi Matt
Your website is incredibly helpful and tested by the Madison Fire Dept. (in C.T.). The guys never thought I could produce such good results with our grill. Thank you!
Casey Stegman, Madison Hose Company #1
Many thanks for your Steakburger advice, instructions, and recipe!!! I’m 73 years old, and it’s like I had my first burger! I followed it to the letter, used my little 14″ Weber table model. Incredible!
Jerry Grehl
I live in a retirement community – nice place. The only down side is that friends and neighbors pass away more frequently than in a more age diverse neighborhood. I have found that taking a smoked turkey to a grieving family is always greatly appreciated. I always enjoy barbecuing, but to do for such occasions makes the entire experience especially gratifying. There is nothing like sharing something you really like with those who really appreciate it. Meathead, your ultimate turkey recipe has become more than just a great meal. It is part of our local tradition here.
Grits Burgh
Meathead, I can’t tell you how much you have changed my life. I grew up with out a father and have been embarrassed around all of my friends forever because I was never taught how to cook on a grill or smoker. I would stand around the grill with the guys and, as my drill sergeant used to say, fake it till I made it. I used to panic when someone would ask me to watch the grill for a sec. Since I found this site things have been completely different. I have read these pages several times each and have perfected most of the traditional recipes. Everyone has been telling me that I am the new designated BBQ guy and even trying to convince me to open a small BBQ shack or catering service, although I don’t think that would be right as the only recipes I have are yours. I am happy enough with all of the compliments anyway. I am even in the process of building a small reverse flow smoker and searing grill. I plan on continuing to master the techniques I learned from you and will enter my first competition as soon as my smoker is tuned properly. I honestly owe you a debt of gratitude. This was the one shame I had in my life and now I feel like a complete man. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Kevin Williams
The absolute Best Barbecue Resource for any barbecue question asked by mankind. I find myself on your site anytime I have a spare moment, because I always manage to learn something. I think that everyone can benefit from the site. From a grizzled old barbecue veteran like me, to a brand new techno Q wannabe.
Roger Davidson, President Horizon Smoker Company
I’ve needed to share my appreciation for quite some time. Years ago, I found this site and decided to smoke a brisket on my Weber, and to my surprise it worked. My father and husband were impressed, and it’s all because of Meathead. We’d show up at my dad’s house early in the morning, start the coals, and prep sides. Then we’d spend hours working in his woodshop, or puttering around together. My dad bragged about my bbq to all his friends. I had so many wonderful opportunities to enjoy time with my family, and I’m so grateful for every moment that we slowed down and slow-cooked. I lost my dad a while back, and I miss him every day. Now, we write messages to him on pieces of wood before we light the coals, and do a toast in his honor. I just want to say thank you for everything; My sweet BBQ skills, and my many cherished memories. After 50 years of apartment life, my husband decided to buy a house last year. His first purchase was 2 Weber grills. I always thought I might lose him to a younger woman instead I lost him to your website and his grills.
You and your passion have changed my life… and enriched the propane seller up the street! Thank you from the bottom of my frosty beer stein!
Steve Hanegan, Mountlake Terrace, WA
My mom passed away a few days ago. Before she became so sick, she ate many a meal that I learned how to grill, smoke or whatever..all from you & your site. We had many great days at the grill. Thank you!!
Sandy McBee, San Antonio, TX
I adapted your brisket rub recipe this summmer to and my customers love it (8,000 pounds served in the past 6 months)! My brisket even won ‘best beef’ in the Sonoma County Harvest Fair this year (2010).
Larry Vito of BBQ Smokehouse in Sebastapol, CA
I have always loved to travel and eat. Life became boring when I had to give up my worldly adventures. Thanks to you I now love to cook. I am now having adventures at home in my kitchen and my back yard. I am no longer bored, and my large family is grateful too. Thank you so much.
Dugan Hoeflinger, Tucson, AZ
I just want to say how much I appreciate this site. I’ve also bought multiple copies of your book for myself and others. My cooking has gone from good to pretty darn great. We have lots of great restaurant options in Cali near wine country, but when my wife and I go out to eat, she almost always says, “You could have done this better.” And she’s usually right. You’ve made me a hero!
Charley Langer
After years of sitting through presentations during my corporate career, I liked that your presentation was easy to see and had the right amount of detail. But, most importantly, you didn’t read it. Rather, the slides enhanced what you were saying and encouraged active listening by the audience. A rare skill!
Mark Noordsy
I can honestly say your website has done more to improve my life than any other.
Evan Fox-Decent, Quebec
It’s worth noting, I have never been, in any way, shape, or form, a cook. For the most part, if it didn’t come in a box, can, or frozen package, I didn’t tackle it. This website and the ability to follow directions has turned me into a cooking superstar in this household and I’ve found that I actually enjoy cooking for a change.
Mitch Norris
You have brought my 20 year old son and I closer together since we started smoking.
Blake Old, Dunlap, IL
I luckily stumbled upon your website many months ago. Your advice has transformed my BBQ skills immensely. I am currently attending Le Cordon Bleau school of culinary arts in Eagan, MN. Your advice and recipes amaze my teachers who are all former executive chefs at major restaurants. They can’t believe what you have taught me thru your site.
Tim Cummings
The greatest rave came from my oldest granddaughter, 9 years old, “Grandpa, if we come over will you teach my daddy to make the good stuff, like you?”
Earl Porter
I searched the web for smoking tips and always came back to your site. It was the most in depth and knowlegeable ot there. I smoked a 12 pound brisket on Christmas and it turned out perfect.
Steven Estes, Victorville, CA
WOW! I am now the hero of the family and we are hooked. We get nothing over here anything like this. I take my hat off to you and dub thee Sir Meathead (lays sword on shoulders). Confirmed rib addicts,
David, Viv and family, Perth, Western Australia
I just have to tell you I think you are the absolute greatest. Everything you and your colleagues are doing at Amazing Ribs somehow gets better and better every day—and I’ve been enjoying, using and learning for I guess 10 years by now. Thanks for your endless commitment to excellence! Long May you wave!!!
Peter Necarsulmer, Bend, OR
I see you put A LOT of work into this, and let me tell you it is appreciated! I have learned many new things here so far. I may have to quit my job though so I have more time!
Harold Holt, North Bellmore, NY
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you I absolutely love the Memphis Dust. I whipped up a batch last year in the summer and have had it in an air tight container since, using it when needed. It has amazing flavor and I love using it on a variety of meats. Also, your Rib recipe is awesome, and I have passed it on to numerous friends. Thank you for putting it out here for us everyday folks to use!
Kelly Yetzer, Little Falls, MN
For Thanksgiving this year, I used someone else’s recipe to smoke a turkey. It came out pretty good-my relatives were impressed. Then for Christmas I smoked one using your recipe. Yee-Haa!! It was twice as juicy as the first one, the skin was crisp-and the gravy recipe was marvelous! I may have unleashed a monster, as I will probably henceforth be required to smoke all holiday birds. Looking forward to trying all your recipes. And I will order any gear through your Amazon link as a small gesture of support.
Ron Wydella, Ramsey, MN
Thank you for the recipe for the Tuscan Marinated Ribs. I’ve made these twice in my modified Brinckmann water smoker. The first time I followed your instructions to the letter. Yesterday for Christmas dinner I experimented by adding just a touch of Oak smoke. They both came out fantastic!
Art Inglesby, Cranford, NJ
I will never buy pastrami again. You aren’t posting recipes, you are spreading food love 🙂
Sami Thai
This sauce is amazing! My fiance’ loved it and insisted that I make this a lot in the future. The leftover sauce found its way into our bedroom later. What better Valentine’s Day? Anon
Just wanted to join the crowds of your followers to say THANKS for making my Christmas wish come true. I am my wife’s favorite, my kids’ hero, and my mother-in-law’s envy. Hope you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS and your New Year will be a Happy one. Thanks again!
JB Baldridge, Fort Worth, TX
Now I know which mussels NOT to discard. This will save me a lot of money. I find it peculiar that this website outshines all of my cookbooks on a subject like this. “Basic” facts when you think of it.
Your website has caused me to fall down a delicious barbecue rabbit hole from which there is no escape. I might even hunt the rabbit so I can grill it.
Evan Metaxatos
Tried your Cow Crust a few weeks ago on a rib roast. Awesome! I can’t wait to check more recipes out. So far your website has been more informative by leaps and bounds compared to other websites. Thanks.
Brian Lusk
Your website kicks ass. Your style of word slinging scratches me right where I itch. My eyes race like a dog with its tail on fire across the words that you’re putting down. Your BBQ descriptions are so vivid I get heartburn from reading.
Meathead, I’m making killer pizzas with the Za Grill! It works perfectly. I’ve been using ur Rendeveous Rub on St. Louis cut ribs – excellent with the two-zone method. Everybody loves the ribs. Thanks for your website and sent it to my folks in AR.
William Burns
I bought all the books on barbecuing before discovering our site, but have learned more practical technique from from you that all the other so-call BBQers put together.
Jim Davis, Hendersonville, NC
Give all of us an update on your cookbook, please? IT’S ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS! Thanks, thanks, thanks for your website and expertise.
Susan Thele, Eagle, Nebraska
You’ve elevated me to the level of deity in my family.
Matt Archer
Hi Meathead! I’ve been a fan of yours for years and I’ve tried a ton of your recipes.
Liz Kupillas, Hungary
Tried that recipe for our Thanksgiving in Canada last month. The BEST damn bird I EVER had!!! Was only my second attempt using a smoker. And Meathead is right: get a good thermometer. I got two digitals: one to check smoker temp and one for the bird. Was even wireless so I could keep an eye on the temp while watching football in the house!! WOOHOO!!
Mike Daigneault, via Facebook
I have to start off with that I was not a big fan of ribs, however, my wife had them at a BBQ a few weeks ago and insisted on making them at home. This is when I found your site and followed your recipe and suggestions. What a success! They were by far the best tasting ribs that I have ever had! I can now say that, “I am a fan of ribs”!
Tye, Corona, CA
Forgoing the deep fryer, we decided to smoke the bird using your “Ultimate Smoked Turkey” recipe. Suffice it to say, it was a massive success! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that kind of reaction from a meal before and, to be honest, I can see why as I was just as taken aback as everyone else. I have never been a huge turkey guy but, this is spectacular! In fact, I’ve already received a few requests to bring birds to other gatherings: for the remainder of the year, it appears I am on semi-full-time turkey duty! Good thing I can’t think of a single thing I’d rather be doing. Thanks a lot for what is, without question, THE “Ultimate” turkey recipe!!
Zachary Barnett
I found your website today and tried the sweet tea recipe as I have been looking for one. I tried it, it is easy to make and fabulous!!
Sara MacRovine
I grilled the the last meal ribs tonight for family and friends tonight and all I have to say is “WOW”. Saying they were a big hit would be a under statement. Even my three year old daughter was begging for more. We are trying the pulled pork next weekend!
Stephen Barnett
The best I’ve seen on mushrooms. Most similar articles I read with my eyeballs rolling back into my head and I’ve generally given up on getting anything informed or intelligent. Your piece is really good and accurate.
Jack Czarnecki, Oregon White Truffle Oil
My husband Frith stumbled across your Kansas City Style BBQ sauce recipe about 5 years ago and we have been making variations of it every year. We would quadruple the recipe and give half away. Everyone loved it. My husband passed away suddenly at the start of this year. There were still a few half-bottles of your sauce floating around in people’s fridges and people are really savouring it as it reminds them of Frith. My plan is to get a few friends together and make a big batch. I wanted to thank you for your recipe. We always had such fun making it together.
Renae Foottit
I’m addicted to your magic dust. I can’t get enough and I sneak it into stuff all the time as well as it being my favorite dry rub. The only thing I do differently is that I use hickory smoked salt instead of regular salt. I love love love the Lexington Dip. We East Tennesseans have a bit of an identity crisis when it comes to sauces and the result is some really crappy sauces. I took this recipe, subbed Chipotle Tabasco for the pepper flakes, added 1/3 cup honey and a bit more ketchup. Oh my gloryville, it was good. Even my autistic son ate it (that is really amazing since he won’t even eat ketchup). Thanks for the great website. Keep it coming.
Renae Foottit
I have always been scared of cooking ribs. Now I am no longer intimidated by them. Everyone commented about how delicious they were. I wish I had another one right now!! I will be cooking ribs more often now.
Mike Saunders, Wetumpka, AL
The instructions are easily followed. They came out moist, tender, great texture, and TASTY!!! Thank you for showing me the light.
Joe Chewning
I have just been dubed the Earl of Brisket in Sheboygan, thanx to your instruction. Hail to the King of Brisket!!!
Dave Hoffman, Sheboygan, WI
Did up the The Ultimate Smoked Turkey recipe for Thanksgiving and it was THE most amazing bird I’ve ever had!
Mike Daigneault, Timmins, ON
The directions and methods you provided have been clear, concise, and insightful with a good dose of humor. Yesterday, I followed your recipes for the ñLast Meal Ribsî and ñPerfect BBQ Pulled Porkî with more than perfect results. My family was in heaven and the dog never left my side.
Tod Barrett, San Francisco, CA
My son and I are reopening a restaurant that while not specializing in Bar-b-Que, has it on it’s menu and your website has been absolutely wonderful as a source of information. I find myself reading and re-reading the various blockquotes, especially on techniques.
Bill Van Hook, Mobile, AL
I didn’t get a bite. It was history before I got to it. Very,very positive feedback from the crowd. I’m a beginner/novice at smoking. If I can do it I think just about anyone can.
Gary “Rooster” Pike, Tempe AZ
I was about to buy a new smoker. After reading your article about setting up a horizontal smoker, I decided to try rehabilitating something the previous owner of my house left in the backyard. Ran a test yesterday and got 6 hours at 225°F on one basket of lump charcoal and only had 8-10 deg variance from end to end. Total investment:$100. I figure I saved at least $500!
Coleman Shelton, Calvert City, KY
I think I want to make a complaint. Ive been coming to this site for a long time, and still regularly refer to it. But now there is a problem; I think I’m spoiled. No matter where we go I get disappointed that what I make at home is almost always equal to or better than anywhere else now! Restaurants, peoples houses, doesn’t seem to matter. Steaks in particular, and just about any other meat. I don’t look forward to going somewhere special now nearly as much as I used to.
There are a lot of cooking sites on the ‘net, and you are one of them… that does it as well as it can possibly be done! Congratulations on not just a wonderful place to hang out that feels like a good friend’s backyard, but on a life well lived. You’re an open pantry, my friend, and the world is always hungry for that kind of person. Reading through the blog reveals the kind of intelligence, humor, discretion, explicitness and generosity that make up the kind of man parents are proud of, and I bet yours certainly are.
Thanks again for one of the most coherent, and in a way, foolproof, sources for lovers of good food on the planet!
David Zent, Bakersfield CA
Hot damn!! I love this site!
Midge, Northwest, USA
I love your website. Last year my stove/oven broke and I cooked all our meals on the grill for six months, everything from mac ‘n’ cheeze to cobbler. I am an avid griller and will only use your best ribs ever recipe on all my ribs.
Shawna Roberts, Atlanta, GA
Thanks to your site, I have taken my second consecutive first place trophy at my work’s annual rib-off!
Aaron Ettlin, OR
Father’s Day weekend your “Last meal Ribs” on my Weber with the Smokenator made my aunt cry she loved them so much. Damn I love that pig candy!
Mike Lindner, St. Charles, MO
This last weekend I made 3 racks of baby backs using your hosinful 9 dragon chinese ribs. I’m here to tell you they were the best my family had ever had. They actually think dad can cook. is now the only site I use.
Larry Sowder, Selah, WA
Last year I read your article about LBJ and Walter Jetton’s BBQ and wrote to you about how it was the sauce our family always used while living in Texas in the 1960s. Since then I have made a couple of batches of the sauce. I have to say it is pretty close to the memory taste I have of it. Thanks again for sharing the story of Jetton on your website and providing the recipe. It has brought back happy tatste memories.
Vanessa Cieslak
The results have been miraculous. I am still amazed you don’t charge for people to use this site. Why aren’t you the Next Food Network Star?
Adam Sorum, Grand Forks, ND
Wow!!! Placed 3rd in my first rib cook off! I was against smokers that were worth thousands! And my smokers? Two Weber Kettles! I did let the judges know this was my first competition, they couldn’t believe it.
Deborah, Palm Beach, FL
Several years ago, I decided to ditch brisket. I never could get it tender. Then I found your site. It’s amazing how tender and tasty our brisket is now!
Ken Hume, Aurora, CO
Your recipes are totally amazing and awesome. My friends who come over to enjoy my grilling think that they love ME but they actually love YOU!?
Christine, Brooklyn, NY
I tried the “Simon & Garfunkel Rub” on chicken breasts. It actually elicited the comment “This is really flavorful!” from my 19 year old son. I had never heard him use the term “flavorful” in my life.
Mark Novara, “Michiana”, IN
I had a cook out on the 4th and made 4 racks of ribs and followed your advice and instructions to a T , THEY WERE FREAKING AWESOME! So now we are doin a Grad party for my oldest son and I made 6 pork shoulders 4 on my smoker and 2 on the gas with chunks on the side … THEY WENT OVER like I have been making them for years!
Tim Fehr, Bernville PA
I also followed your “schmancy smoked salmon” recipe to equal success – my non-fish-eating daughter hoovered it right up. My other salmon loving daughter licked her plate.
Don Scott, Tampa, FL
The only problem is that now I am asked to make ribs all the time.
Brian Espy, Bloomington, MN
Your Website is the most helpful and informative site PERIOD. This is like the Holy Grail of Bar B Qing! Thank you soooo much for providing determined backyard cooks the information needed to take thier skills to the next level.
Randy McVay, Lodi, CA
The only bad thing is… they think this can be pulled of every week! I’ve started a monster and it is all your fault! If I hadn’t found your site, the food would have sucked and I wouldn’t be in such demand!!!!!
George Kline, Johnstown, NY
I do a lot of competition BBQing in the Houston area, so you can imagine that I have read almost every article on the net about BBQ. It’s funny, they all say about the same thing. This is the only site that gives some good detailed info with out a bunch of BS. I have been a meat cutter for most of my life, so it is easy to spot those who don’t know what they are talking about.
Perry Goodwin, Humble, TX
Un-b-lievable. I am a rank amateur using a relatively cheap Char-Broil grill from a home-improvement store. I added a water pan and small smoker box and 3 hours later, the best baby back ribs I’ve ever made. No comment needed from my family…the sauce on their faces and mound of bare bones said it all!
Pete, Palm Harbor, FL
I rank your contribution to society right up there with Jonas Salk.
Kendall Storie, Lewisville, Texas
Thanks to your site, my wife thinks she doesn’t have to cook anymore!
Last week a grilled ribs according to your “Last Meal” recipe with the Memphis Dust as rub and Bourbon sauce. I will never par-boil my ribs again…
Joakim Johansson, Sweden
I made the brisket with your recipe and I am now a rockstar in my friends eyes.
Your advice gave me the edge to win our summer rib cook-off while using my Weber Genesis Silver Gas grill. I thought I’d let you know that in an attempt to one-up me this year, a friend purchased the Weber Smokey Mountain and used your Memphis Dust rub and your directions and made the best ribs I’ve ever had – and that includes the ribs that come to town during “Rib-Fest”! So I have ordered my own WSM (18.5) and look forward to trying your recipes on it.
Keith, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Since my wife is from Chicago she really misses her old food hangouts such as Al’s and those delicious Italian Beef sangwiches. Having just returned from Chicago and eating at Al’s, your recipe almost duplicated Al’s. “That’s the taste” my wife said. Thanks!
Tony Perez, Las Vegas, NV
I love BBQ, especially ribs, my wife does not. Over the past several years I have made ribs for myself. I have tried different ways, and my wife has always taken one bite, looked at me and thrown the rest in the garbage. I stumbled on your site and cooked ribs while she was out of town. After sampling the best ribs I have ever cooked, I convinced her that the internet had magically taught me to make ribs she would like. Used the gas grill set up and nailed it. My wife had several ribs, and was upset when we ran out. Looking forward to brisket!
Bill, GA
I whipped up a bunch of your KC style sauce. It is OUTSTANDING! It blew everyone away at our Memorial Day family cookout! I have traveled extensively and have had the priviledge of eating a wide range of barbecue styles. My theory about barbecue is it is a lot like sex – even when it’s not very good, it’s wonderful.
Ross Warnell, Kansas City, MO
I used your “Memphis Dust” and “Kansas City Classic” sauce recipes and followed your “Best Ribs Ever” procedure and the results were darned near magical – perhaps even miraculous for a first timer effort!
Tripper, Stow, MA
I’m a pretty competent cook, but I was intimidated by ribs! Now that I have your site as “back up” I feel a lot more confident. For me, it’s all about the details and explanations. I like to know the “why” of things, that’s why I dig your site.
Melissa D, Pulaski, NY
Let me know if the house next door to you ever goes up for sale. I kinda think being your neighbor would not be a bad thing. I think maybe you might be a little crazy, but I’d put up with that if you had me over for a barbeque every so often.
Russ Granata, Lancaster, NY
I was, after years and years, and many wasted slabs of burnt to a crisp, or tough as leather ribs, afraid to attempt them again. But after finding your web site, with all the tips and techniques, I to can proudly call myself a RIB MASTER.
You have even brought me back to my old faithful charcoal grill. Honestly I haven’t used it in probably 3 or 4 years.
Brynne Wright, Breaux Bridge, LA
Thank you for the Lexington Dip recipe. I’m from East Alabama and most of the small town BBQ joints from when I was a kid have either shut down or changed owners and all the new ones use Kansas City style sauce. I’ve searched the internet and experimented for years trying to figure out the sauce these old places used and this is it. I didn’t even need to modify it. I can’t believe it was so simple. Thank you for making my backyard BBQs much more enjoyable now.
Joey McDaniel, Ranburne, AL
I tried your char sui ribs on my Weber kettle last night after marinating about 20 hours. Without a doubt the best Asian flavored dish I have ever BBQ’d.
Adam Dameron, Taylors, SC
[You have] raised my BBQ skills to the next level.
Edward L Jackson, M.D., Newark, DE
I was pensive regarding smoking brisket and having 12 people looking at me while I called for pizza had something gone awry. Nothing did, and there were people from Texas that said it was as good, or better than what they had had in Austin and Houston.
Jim Hubbell, Goldsboro, NC
Well, the Big Rib Cook-Off and competition happened Memorial Day as planned. My day started smokin’ at 5 a.m. after your Meathead’s Memphis Dust made intimate friends with my baby backs all through the night. After the smoke party and your apple juice trick it was time for your Kansas City Classic Sauce (with the tamarind paste, hard to find, but I believe it was worth the search). A couple of light mops, a little more heat and “Plate Up” baby! Let’s just say my ribs went faster than sunshine on day one on ground hound day!!! I won first place by a landslide!
Mark D., Covina, CA
I was in the grocery store looking at ribs to purchase for the weekend a couple days ago. Some guy came along and decided to help me because I am, after all, a helpless female =) He asked me how I was going to cook them and I said I’d probably boil them first, then oven bake with some sauce. This man nearly passed out right there in the meat aisle. He wept, and through his tears told me, “NO! You have to smoke them! Please, whatever you do don’t boil them! Noooooo!” I chose some baby backs and determined to smoke those babies if it was the last thing I did. I found your website after some searching around and liked the way you had things organized and such, so started the rub. Fast forward one day to today and I am pleased to report that I just served my family two slabs of some of the most flavorful, tender, juicy, delicious ribs I have ever had in my life. There were times where I wanted to give up. The temp was very difficult to control, especially since I found out 1 hour into it that the thermometer on the grill was broken, but in the end, it was all so worth it and it was your instructions and recipes that pulled me through. I followed everything as you described plus used the Vermont Pig Candy recipe for the sauce. So a big thanks from my house to yours!
Jana, Edgewood, MD
I am the person at barbecues that completely avoids ribs. We couldn’t eat them fast enough! I am going back to the store tomorrow to get some more! Thank you very much for your website. It has turned me around to ribs… OUR ribs anyway!
Jennifer Collins, Santa Rosa, CA
Doyle Pate
Your Crack ‘n’ Cheese recipe is seriously f’ing yummy! Good cold for breakfast, too!
Gary Grossman
My wife is much impressed with my culinary skills after tasting your Red Wine Sauce. I can use the points! Surely the French have it right, the sauce is everything!
Jim Fitch, Sebring, FL
I bought a “Oklahoma Joe” on closeout at Costco 6 or 8 years ago. I never could get the darn thing to work very well. I got a different result every time and most of the time it wasn’t very good. I found your site a few months ago and was really impressed and encouraged. Yesterday we were at the grocery and I saw some really good looking turkey drumsticks. They turned out fantastic! I’m making a list, going to Costco tomorrow to buy meat and briquets, and then I’m going to start trying things from your site — page by page.
Bill Daley, Albany, OR
Hi Meathead, I’m one of your Italian fans and last week, following your recipes, I eat the best bbq ribs that I ever had!!!
Daniele Cremascoli, Italy
Made a batch of Meathead’s Memphis Dust and cooked a Boston butt for the first time. Looked EXACTLY like your picture and so good it was indescribable !! OMG !! Ran out of hamburger buns at 16 and had to opt to hot dog buns for the final 5. No jest, these were the finest pulled pork sandwiches anyone there had ever tasted.
Kendall Storie, Lewisville, Texas
Your site is an amazing resource. One of the guests told me my ribs were better than vicodin.
Brigit Binns, author of 13 cookbooks, NY, NY
I had a huge party at my house for about 30 guys and their families from my unit, and I made the Pig Candy ribs which were the biggest success. I had dudes coming up to me saying “those are the best f*%$#ng ribs I’ve ever had man!” It just makes me feel good to make honestly good food for people and see their reaction.
Mike Murieen, Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, MT
When they were done, My wife and I made fools out of ourselves. We had BBQ all over our faces and down to our elbows. My 16 year old son came home from work and he did not believe that I had cooked these fantastic rack of ribs. My wife and I had a hard time convincing him that we didn’t go out and buy them somewhere. They tasted just like the ribs we had in Memphis. He finished then off and I thought he was going to eat the bones too.
Elmer & Tammy Harmon, Hustonville, KY
I made the Pig Candy ribs this weekend. I am seriously thinking about opening a restaurant now. They were amazing! The rub was amazing too!
Brian Bourque, Laveen, AZ
Found your website when I was looking for Italian Beef recipes. I haven’t had a decent beef sangwitch since I left Countryside in ’83. Used the recipe on the website and it turned out pretty close to what I remembered, the hot giardiniera really helps too. You may have saved my life!
Greg, Nevis, MN
You have made me into a rib stud.
Chuck Kotler, Avon, CT
Where is your paragraph describing early man exploring after a fire and finding cooked ribs on the big tasty animals that didn’t make it out? It was fabulous and now I cannot find it! I wanted to read if for my friends today before we ate the ribs. It was truly a beautiful read.
Eileen, Powell Butte, OR
Your tips saved my ribs after I ruined a batch by following recipes on another site. Simply by the fact that you pointed out the effect of altitude.
Hans Vd Horst, Netherlands
You sir, are a saint. We had a bunch of family from out of town over for dinner after celebrating my parents 50th wedding anniversary. I made them a Smoked Salmon appetizer and then a dinner of Lamb Chops in Sheep Dip with cubed Pesto Potatoes. Everyone raved about the food! Not a bite of anything left, and not because I didn’t make enough! Thanks again.
Matt Archer, Rossmoor, CA has opened the door to so much opportunity and wonderful recipes for me and my family I just wanted to take the time and personally thank you.
Smokin’ Mike Davison, MO
I am pissed. I just spent two work hours looking at your site and now, not only am I behind in work, I am spending money at the local Q restaurant for lunch. How do you sleep at night causing all this pain.
Jason, CO
Stumbled upon your site before I smoked some ribs last weekend. It’s now on my “favorites” after I ate them!
Jeff Putnam, Richmond, VA
Grannie’s Beans were awesome! Every recipe I complete off your site is deadly!
Brent Gillespie, Portage La Prairie
Your website and advice has made me the king of the grill in our neighborhood!! Every time we invite someone to dinner they all beg me for ribs.
Ashley Barton, Little Rock, AR
As you know, in an apt. I can’t grill, but I made my grilled cheese indoors on in a saute pan on the stove top. The secret you shared was to cover the pan. MMMMM perfect!!! I made mine with Gouda cheese and tomato on rye bread. Excellent. Uncovered, the cheese never melted enough without burning the bread. I’m a convert!!!
Your Mom, FL
You ROCK Meathead! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve saved my inexperienced cooking friends from going out and buying the first COS [Cheap Offset Smoker] or ECB [El Cheapo Brinkmann] they come across. How you ask? By imploring them to get educated on Great job educating the masses!
Brett Ray, Orlando, FL
I just love your site! I have learned more than I ever thought possible about BBQ.
Cindy Kirsten,Salt Lake City, UT
It seems like whenever I’m stuck or have a rib question, my first stop is! Thanks for such a great resource.
Scott Johnston, San Francisco, CA is the best site on the web. Thanks for all you have taught me. You are my hero.
James Hansen, Plain City, UT
G’day, Meathead, from Melbourne, Australia. We have just had a great feed of ribs, beer, gin, port, and your Kansas City sauce. We were going to phone you but it was the wrong time zone but here are a few changes which we think might help:
1. Molasses . Who the #$%& carries molasses in stock. So we ditched it!
2. Tabasco. 1 Teaspoon…What a bunch a poofs! We lost count at 10.
3. The sauce turned out sensational! Everybody loved our version and we will use it again real soon. Your ribs rock!
Simon & John, Melbourne, Australia
I’m an Aussie currently living in Seattle for a couple of years. The one big thing i wanted to get out of my US experience was how learn how to BBQ US style and cook good ribs. Mate, your website has been my meat bible and i can’t thank you enough for all the good advice. My wife is now addicted to the KC sauce (aka ‘crack sauce’ in our household), and every weekend now is another excuse to sit outside with the dog, BBQ and some beer.
Two big thumbs up to your website!! I’m now corrupting my other Aussie co-workers with your know how, and you’re getting a bit of a cult following up in the North West.
Cheers, and keep up the good work,
Eddie, Seattle
Your [spiedie] sandwiches were awesome!
Lou Karnbach, Apopka, FL
Just found this site an hour ago, have to say that I think this is one of the best sites on the whole internet, amazingribs is now my startup page. I will try your recipe and get back to you with suggestions and stuff like that…
Jesper Lsÿsÿf, Stehag, Sweden
I own a small poultry processing company down here. We decided to open small restaurants in supermarkets some years ago where we sell rotisserie chickens. Your formulas and recipes are great. I learned everything from you.
Andres Vargas, Cali, Colombia, South America
After trying many of your recipes in the past, I knew when I got the one for the smoked turkey that I had to try it for Thanksgiving. Wow! I don’t think I’ll ever fry one again. I’ve since smoked another one for Christmas and two for New Years. I’ve never had a turkey that juicy and tasty. It definitely had to be carved in a pan versus a cutting board.
Bo Massey, LA
Tried your recipe for stuffed pork loin at Christmas along with a turkey fixed the way I always fix it. Had a lot of turkey left over. The pork? Not so much. Will definitely do it again.
Bob Walsh, Shoreview, MN
My ribs came in 1st place!
Pauline Cheslock, North Haven, CT
So far every one of them [your recipes] have been very very good!
Dan Caulder, Hope Mills, NC
I’ve been trying to smoke barbecue meat for 10 years….. bought countless books (most which are’t worth a damn) burned and ruined tons of expensive meat, which cost me a few bucks, needless to say….. right now I’m a happy camper… Thank you Thank you for your free web sight…. you’ve got to be crazy or one hell of a nice guy to give all this to poor slabs like me who want to do good barbecue…. I think you feel sorry for us and want to help out…. Again thanks much….. I’ll have a Jack Daniels tonight in your Honor…. Sorry You can’t join me.
John Baier, Clive, IA
I tried the Smoky Sauna Indoor Rib method today, and I can only say AMAZING. They were a huge success, and without a doubt, the best ribs we’ve ever had. THANK YOU! You are AMAZING, too. Thanks for sharing.
Cindy Hall, Naples, FL
We have some mean southern cooks in our family and holidays are the best! They feed us well, mostly family recipes passed down. I used to love showing up empty handed and feasting on their handywork. Well, I wanted to try to do a turkey for Thanksgiving so my mom who usually does it didn’t. Pressure was on. I used your turkey recipe and followed it closely. I couldn’t carve it fast enough! I had to hide some for myself! And guess who got chosen to bring turkey on Christmas! I see a lot of turkeys in my future and I’m blaming the Meathead! Really do love the site and appreciate all the time you have put in it. And you made it into the family recipe book!
Phillip Sorrell, Lawrenceville, GA
I was amazed at how easy it was, and how great the ribs were [on my Weber gas grill]. Some of the best I’ve had.
Phillip Gibson, Van Alstyne, TX
I prepared your turkey recipe (modified for my pellet grill) this Thanksgiving. Your recipe is great and your instructions are phenomenal. It was my world’s record best turkey ever. I’m looking forward to your book.
Jeff Giberstein, Atlanta, GA
My friends and family love my ribs but they were missing something. So I tried Danny Gaulden’s Legendary Glaze. WOW this did the trick. Dadgum goods ribs!
Mike Traweek, Brooksville, MS
Just wanted to send you a message saying thanks. About 15 years ago, I picked up a second hand Imperial Kamado [smoker] at a yard sale. It has served me well over the years smoking everything and anything that can be smoked. One thing I never messed with were brines. I followed your instructions for brining the bird and have to say that this year’s turkey was by far the best one that I have ever produced. It was flavorful, juicy, tender and was quickly devoured.
Dale Cooper, Bethlehem, PA
Used your ultimate smoked turkey recipe for the first time this Thanksgiving and it was FANTASTIC! Best Ever and even the dark meat tasted GREAT. Thanks.
Van Stuckey, Gainesville, FL
Made your Ultimate Smoked Turkey and the Classic Bread Stuffing yesterday for a party of 10 and it was AWESOME!! Everyone loved it!!! I have made a lot of your recipes and have NEVER been unhappy with the outcome of ANY of them… THANKS!!!!
Jonathan Zang, West Chester, PA
I just wanted to thank you for this site, especially the dry rub recipe and the info on how to cook ribs in the oven. I’m a terrible cook, but after absorbing your wisdom, I’ve managed to produce some pretty darn good ribs (much to my husband’s relief).
Jennifer, Austin, TX
Three months ago we would have gone out for ribs, but not anymore! Your site ROCKS!
Sammy Shuford, Summerville, SC
You are the Alton Brown of Que.
Joe Mizrahi, Smokin’ Joe’s, NYC
My wife was amazed! And now she is behind my new hobby instead of against it! I am purposely not buying any BBQ books at this time. I’m waiting until yours comes out! Thank you so much for your website, which has gotten me on the road to great BBQ.
Ryk Brown
Your Sauna Smoked Ribs [indoor cooked] are freaking amazing!! Didn’t use the liquid smoke because I didn’t have any (or a kitchen fan, either, for that matter!) It was my first time doing baby backs, and I had dinner guests who were “pros” at doing baby backs. Guess what… they loved ’em!! Used plain old Kraft Hickory Smoke sauce at the end. I’ve seen similar recipes where the broiling pan is tented with foil. To me that seems that it would make the “crust” soggy. And we all know that you don’t want soggy crust. I love the fact that I can get ribs this great even when it’s -30 and we’re in the middle of a big old blizzard. Thanks man!!
Kell Ferrell, Alamo, ND
Meathead, using your techniques and advice on smoking a pork shoulder, I’m confident enough to put my pulled pork against anybody’s. I had my doubts while smoking the shoulder for 8 hours, wondering how dry it would be. But when the big shoulder bone slipped right out and it was glistening with goodness, I knew we were in for a treat. Beautiful, moist, flavorful pink meat with an awesome bark, lightly covered with my sauce and a cold beer… it doesn’t get any better than that. Thanks a lot my friend. I’ve sent several friends to your site already!
Bo Massey, LA
“Last Meal Ribs“, that is what my girlfriend called the ribs I fixed yesterday by following your recipe. For her “last meal” on this planet she made me promise to fix the same Saint Louis style ribs. For my first attempt at cooking BBQ ribs, they came out perfect!
Doug and Trudy Calvin, Palm Springs, CA
My neighbor gave me his offset smoker because of all the problems you have mentioned that us newbies create for ourselves. I tried to use it several times and had little success. Just when my wife had convinced me to get rid of the thing I found your site. What a blessing. I bought 3 racks of ribs followed directions and guess what? My wife, who is not particularly fond of smoked food, actually made a big deal of how good the ribs were. I had my daughters and their husbands over and every one was bitterly disappointed when the last of the ribs were actually gone. These rib were some of the best I have had and needless to say I was ecstatic. The smoker now can stand proud in my yard. I am back in the saddle again! Thank you so much, a real FUN learning experience.
Dennis Carreonde, Seal Beach, CA
My father-in-law loves ribs, but I had never attempted them on my Weber Genesis gas grill because I didn’t think they would taste like real pit-cooked ribs – that is until I tried them the “Meathead” way. I followed your directions for setting up the grill and for cooking (by the way the pictures were very helpful), and I mixed up a batch of “Memphis Dust”. I’d also cooked up some chicken breasts that had been “dusted” for my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, who don’t like ribs. The ribs were an amazing success. The crowd proclaimed them the best ribs they’d ever had, and even my mother-in-law, all 4’11” of her, ate four big ribs and passed on the chicken. Towards the end of the meal we all raised a beer and proclaimed “God bless Meathead, best damn ribs ever!!”
pcroll1, Fredericksburg, VA
Bought a cheap offset smoker last week. Used guidance from your website on purchasing it. I took a big risk over Labor Day weekend and invited my whole family over for ribs. They came out fantastic. EVERYONE loved them. My father, who’s a king of the grill, declared my ribs better than his. This website has been a real inspiration. My next project is brisket, and after that, a full hog. Thank you!!!!!
Ernest, Edwards Air Force Base, CA
The instructions are perfect and I made sure I followed them exactly, reading each method until I knew which one was right for me. People was saying “oh man!!” or “my God!!” or good “God these are the BEST ribs I have ever sunk my teeth into!” Thanks so much for your simple and to the point instructions.
Sharon, Greeneville, TN
Damn! Guests didn’t want to stop eating, although full already. Your website truly and simply rocks, and is definitely part of the 0.01% really useful sites out there. Now my girlfriend will have to eat ribs the upcoming weeks while we eat ourselves through the different recipes!
Pasi Bauer, Uppsala, Sweden
I have always wanted to make great ribs. It has been a life quest and my ribs have always been great if you like shoe leather. I came across your site and bingo, I am a rib stud!
Chuck Kotler, Avon, CT
I got first place on my ribs Sunday using your Vermont Maple Glazed Pig Candy recipe!
Steve Triplet, Galatia, IL
Your webpage is invaluable and the best I’ve seen yet. Can’t wait for your book to come out!!!!!
Jim Plezman, Long Beach, CA
The Memphis Dust and the pulled pork are excellent! I never would have imagined that I would like anything better than a slab of smoked ribs, but that pulled pork, oh my gosh! I have taken it to a couple of parties and it is always a HIT!
Aswad Johnson
I took my leftovers to work and was mobbed when people smelled the aroma from the microwave.
Dale Ray, Wichita,KS
We love your beans. My recipe has our guests tooting for a few days; I bet that yours will last a week!!!!
Peggy Bohl, Sacramento, CA
I have worked as a professional cook in high end French restaurants for several years, but I had little true BBQ experience, so when I hit the internet looking for some info, I was really pleased to find an in depth and expansive site that had all the tips I was looking for. I am also pleased to tell you that I recently took first place in my first rib (or any BBQ) competition, using a slight variation on your Memphis Dust and a straight use of your Pig Candy recipe on a rack of baby backs!
Aaron Ettlin, Portland, OR
I had two ribs and my boyfriend ate the other 3 1/2 pounds. He couldn’t stop to talk. He had to bring a box of tissues to the table because these ribs are so good, they make him weep. And that’s the truth. Of course, I make sure he has plenty of napkins, too. He tells me that my ribs have deepened his love for me. Well, fine, but I know that just means he wants more ribs:)
Nancy J. Mostad, Minnesota
I am in the process of opening a cafe and thought your simple sweet sour slaw is an amazing winner. Tested it tonight. All people could say was “More please!!!”
James Murray, Toronto, Canada
All I have to say is OH MY GOD!!! They are hands down the best ribs I have ever tasted. Everyone begged me for the recipe.
Lisa Clark, Levittown, NY
I died laughing at your rib song.
Gary Hays, Smithville, TX
I tried your Memphis Dust [on chicken] and it was amazing!
Ivan Carabott, Malta
This site rocks!!!
Jim, Maumee, OH
You are THE MAN, Meathead. I have only been slow smoking for about a year now and it’s been a trial and error deal for me that has had me finishing my ribs off in the oven more times than not. Pretty embarrassing. I’ve been using the Jamisons book, and while informative, I would have never turned out decent ribs without knowing your techniques. I decided to try your tips out and invited a bunch of friends over for the recent NFL draft. The beer has always been cold, but thanks to you we finally had some awesome ribs to go with. THANKS!!
Chuck White, Little Rock, AR
I will never go out for ribs again.
Pastor Ken Andrs, Superior, WI
You are my God. Your website is unbelievable.
Bob Alles, East Rochester, NY
We tried a (slightly) modified version of your best ribs ever last weekend, and boy are they good! I have used many rubs, sauces and methods for quite some time but this is a great combo, very balanced, and makes the pork taste great!
Dan, Woodridge, IL
People had looks on their faces as if they saw a UFO, or raptured in a purple robe!
Todd Reed, Davenport, IA
We have an annual cook off on labor day at the camp, this year it was a ribs. I used your Memphis Dust Rub, Texas Crutch, and the Maple Pig Candy glaze and won 1st place out of 5 entries.
Jack, NY
All I can say is WOW! You have got your [stuff] together. I spend a lot of time on the internet and you have one of the most informative sites I’ve ever seen.
Scott LePage
Well my wife just about jumped through her [rear end]. The large ribs were just fantastic, the glaze made them very attractive and they had the sweet spice flavor that we like. Sir, I would say you have a winner on your hands not to mention a new fan.
Ted DuBose, East Perth, Australia
Love your rib recipe. I used it on July 4th, and even my Dad turned over the smoking duties to me after 40 years of great cook outs!
Jason Clark, Birchwood, TN
I have to say that this is without a doubt the best BBQ site on the net. I am on your site almost everyday. I have a group of friends that we all try to outdo each other in our cookouts. These guys are hard core. Nothing seems to be up to standards. I served them the pulled pork and they could not believe it. They thought it was fantastic. I have now set the bar thanks to your tips.
Todd Belz
I just bought a new charcoal grill/smoker – I’ve always used gas but was never satisfied with the method or flavor. The first thing I wanted to grill was ribs. I searched the internet and read many recipes but came to a screeching halt when I came across your site. It’s a fantastic, informative site – everything I needed to know and understand about ribs. On Sunday – day before Memorial Day, I confidently took on a BBQ for friends and family and prepared your “best BBQ ribs ever” and they came out absolutely perfect! I couldn’t have done it without your ‘help’ – just wanted to say THANKS!
Todd Davidson, New Brighton, MN
I have visited many web pages in my time but yours is most educational, delightful, enjoying and outstanding links. You have what other barbecue sites don’t have. The true knowledge of BBQ!
John Gvozd
Your [article] on brisket is absolutely excellent. I’ve read hundreds of web pages on brisket but your one in-depth story covers it all. Thanks a million. BTW, I live in Europe and I use the pictures to describe to the butcher exactly what it is I need cut. Brisket ain’t no regular commodity over here.
Louie Jagoe, Geneva, Switzerland
I cooked ribs for the first time for 45 people at my 50th birthday party yesterday. Your site is GREAT! Everything was great. Did the Memphis Dust (regular and spicy), Kansas City, and the Vermont Maple ribs. 6 Weber grills going and it got pretty quiet when everybody got some feed going on! P.S. …the dogs liked it too!
Scott Meister, Coldwater, MI
I’d just like to thank you for sharing your extensive knowledge of barbequed and smoked foods. I did your “best ever BBQ ribs”. The results were wonderful. I’m a commercial fisherman so I use the smoker for seafood as well.
John Munro, Troon, Scotland
While eating at a “Famous” BBQ restaurant the other day and told my fiance, “When I first ate here I wished I could make ribs like theirs. Now this time I’m thinking, I wish they made ribs like mine!”
Dan Garza, MI
I am from Holland and I find your site TOP. I try now recipes from you and we thanks you for the information.
Ton Rijnaard
Hi, just tried out your recipe for the best BBQ ribs ever! Oh my gosh, what a treat! They turned out fantastic! We used the recipe for the pig candy…. mmmm tasty!
Theresa Ali
Your website has to be one of the MOST informative sites I have been to since my search for better “Q” has started three years ago. Keep up the great work of informing the masses of us aging boomers that can’t run anymore races but are ecstatic to sit around our smoker and enjoy great ribs and probably sharing stories of how great we were, 20 to 30 years ago. Finally, the rich taste of a wood smoked piece of meat has come up to the north country and us Norwegians and Germans are loving it. Today, where there is smoke there are friends.
Dan Kuno, ND
Made [some slabs with] a version of the Memphis rub and steam-smoked them on a gas grill. Best ribs I have made to date!
James Most, N. Woodmere, NY
Man, I love your website! Made some of my best ribs yesterday, and it’s because of the site and hearing your tips on the podcast with Ronnie [Shewchuk]. Thanks so much!
Brad Maffett, Royston, GA
We found your site while looking for directions on how to operate a Meco Electric Smoker 5029 that came without instructions. Your’s is the best site by far! We have obtained much needed information here and have also signed up for your e-mail.
Karri & Jr.
I stumbled across your website Saturday morning and decided I wanted to try your way of cooking ribs on a gas grill, I have always loved cooking ribs but with our new gas grill they were never as good as charcoal. Well that all changed last night when I made the greatest ribs I have ever tasted not because I did them but your suggestion of pellets and water cooked slowly really made the difference. I wanted to THANK YOU very much for a rib experience my kids actually raved about and my wife wanted to know if I bought them somewhere and claimed I cooked them. As she came home from work and smelled the air outside she knew we were having BBQ but the taste she claimed was something I had never produced before. So Thanks!!
Allen Nicley, Mont Alto, PA
I bought the Smokenator last week and took it to a BBQ cooking class last weekend put on by the South Carolina BBQ Association. I cooked some ribs on it and they were by far the best looking ribs. We cooked some others on a Stumps and a Stumps clone and they weren’t near as good looking. I chose to purchase this product based on your review. It indeed is easy to set up and does a wonderful job! Thanks for the recommendation!
Doug Quinn
Thank you! This was my first attempted try at cooking ribs this way. I used your Memphis rub and slow cooked for 3.5 hours with hickory smoke. AWESOME! The reaction at the July 4th party was “You should open a rib joint!” I hope you don’t mind, I did tell the party the name of the rub was Pickett Memphis Rub.
Jim Pickett, CA
Your website has taught me what I need to know to enter the world of pork ribs: the one area that my friend from Kansas City, known for 15-hour shifts at his smoker, held over my head all year. I’m glad to report that I spent five+ hours yesterday barbecuing four slabs of baby back ribs, low and slow, on my trusty Weber grill, and the results were fantastic. Thanks again for providing such an amazing service to all of us amateurs! Keep up the good work!
Jake C
The ribs turned out fantastic! What a great crowd pleaser – everyone went for more and got their fill.
I have been cooking ribs for at least 20 years and I will say your method is by far the best. I recently purchased a [new] cooker and did the Meathead rib thing and now I’m a hero around here.
Ben Hill, Stoneville, NC
Thanks to your website I have just been elevated from good cook to culinary god in the sight of my family. I would not have believed it was possible to make ribs that good at home, but there it is.
Michael Harnois
It’s so refreshing to read your endorsements and your honesty is further enhanced with your disclaimer on what you get a few bucks for and where the money goes. I like that.
Jerold Green, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Cool web site! I have just cooked my first successful ribs after 5 years of trying. We fell in love with baby back ribs in Florida 7 years ago at Tony Roma’s. It is very hard to find restaurants in the UK that serve them, and you can pay about $35 for them. So I was over the moon when I mastered how to cook them at home. Once again, mega web site!
Chris, UK
You have answered 51 years worth of questions as to why my BBQ ribs sucked all these years.
All of a sudden, all the questions I’ve had are laid out before me, with REASONS for things, instead of just saying this is how it’s done. Science and good food met. Heaven.
I made two slabs of ribs with your Memphis Dust dry rub. I wasn’t sure what to expect, I mean, come on, ginger in a rib recipe? But I figured I’ve followed some horrible advice numerous times in the past, so I had nothing to lose.
After mixing up the dry rub and tasting it, I had a glimmer of hope. After swiping a sliver of meat a few hours into smoking, I damn near fell over.
We happened to have an old friend stop by that day, for a quick visit. When she saw the smoke out back, she learned ribs were out there. Her eyes lit up, an invite was extended, and after a sliver sampler, she wasn’t going anywhere for a while.
These were, hands down, the tastiest damned ribs I have ever eaten, period. By a long shot. No comparison. A different league.
My wife has never made the nummy sound so many times in her life, I’ve never heard the word Damn! uttered so many times in one day. These were better than anything I’ve ever ordered anywhere, and I thought I had some good places nailed down when the urge hit. Thank you.
Steven Lareau, Clinton, TN
Just made your Vermont Maple Pig Candy for some friends and family and everyone LOVED it!!!! I also made the Bourbon Baked Beans and they loved them too!!! It was an awesome Sunday dinner, thanks for the website!! BTW, it was all made on my 22″ Weber along with the Smokenator 1000 which is a great product (I’m glad to see you endorse it as it really does an AWESOME job of smoking).
Jonathan Zang, West Chester, PA
Meat… you are truly a rib virtuoso! I accidentally found your site while looking on information about purchasing my 1st smoker and couldn’t have found a better site if God Himself picked it out for me. Okay, enough of inflating your ego. I only intended to stay a few minutes on your site but when I looked down at the clock I was amazed to find myself on here for the last 2 hours. Tell you what brotha, if you don’t know it about smokin’, grillin’, and product knowledge it ain’t known yet! From one BBQ aficionado to another, thanks again for sharin’ what ya know.
Steve Stewart, Bossier City, LA
Your web site is a treasure trove!
David Mahany
I recently won first place in ribs out of 20 competitors with your Vermont Pig Candy recipe. It was our first time using it, and made the best ribs we’ve every tasted by far. I cannot compliment your site enough on it’s thoroughness in explaining the art of BBQ. I have learned so much since I stumbled across your page and especially enjoy your Rib Science blockquote.
I have used your water pan technique on my gas grill twice this summer and the ribs have turned out great, very tender and juicy!
Brian Hannon

After my girlfriend and I returned from Tuscany where we ate great bistecca, I decided I wanted to take my home cooking of steak to the next level. I borrowed a couple of old bricks out of my neighbor’s yard and raised up the charcoal grate in the Weber kettle like you suggested. The results have been amazing and people are still talking about them. I continue to think it is the best resource, web or book, that I have found for cooking meat. Jeff Giberstein

It was 10 below that day. One family hosts and cares for the pigs and the other families invest in the process. Then we all join in the butchering. Since no one knew how to make ribs we used your recipe and techniques. We all ate ourselves silly it was so great. This will definitely be a yearly tradition with our friends. Thanks for starting a multi-family tradition! Daniel & Julie Roberts, Kenai Peninsula, AK

I own a grill cart and I want to serve authentic New York dogs. I examined every red onion recipe I could find then I saw yours. So I made it, tasted it, and it not only put a smile on my face but my wife also. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Chef Arthur, FL

This was only my second butt ever cooked on my new Brinkman Gas Grill! The bark was fantastic! My wife liked it so much she ate it with no sauce, which is pretty amazing for her! Chris Taylor from Columbia SC
John Frederick cooks Sunday dinner in the snow in Wayland, MI. That’s hard core!

Entered my first rib competition today. I used your dry rub and sauce, adjusted a bit (not much) for my taste. And I won!!! THANKS for being an awesome Meathead! Missy Cress

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