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How to Buy the Best In-Food And In-Cooker Thermometer

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In addition to the must-have instant read thermometer, an in-food/in-cooker (IFIC) thermometer (a.k.a. remote thermometer, wireless thermometer) should be part of every chef’s collection of tools.

Why have both, you might ask? While the instant read might provide the final say as to doneness, the in-food/in-cooker unit provides a real-time progress report on the status of the cooking session. An instant read cannot be left inserted in the food while it is cooking, so you only have a readout while you’re inserting the probe into the food. An IFIC, on the other hand, remains inserted during the entire cooking session, displaying the temperatures of the food(s) and the cooker simultaneously.

While all IFICs do pretty much the same thing – display real-time temperatures measured by cabled probes – they differ in how they present the information to the cook. At the most basic level, the temperature of one or more probes is displayed on a control box into which the probe cables plug. This is adequate if the cooker is located in close proximity to the cook. If not, there are several varieties of wireless remote units available. Some come with a dedicated remote that communicates with the control box.

Others communicate with a smart phone via Bluetooth, but range can be a problem. At the highest level, the control box communicates with the cook’s Wi-Fi router, making the temperature data available, via the cloud, on a smart device or browser anywhere an internet connection is available. Your proximity to the cooker and how immediately you need temperature feedback will determine which of these categories is most appropriate for your needs.

Some IFICs have only a single temperature probe and others have six or eight. It’s nice to have a readout of the cooker’s temperature in addition to the food’s temperature, especially if you’re dealing with a smoker whose temperature might vary considerably over a long period. With the cooker’s temp covered, ask yourself how many pieces of food you’ll want to monitor, and use that as a guide to how many probe channels you’ll need.

All IFICs that I’ve seen allow you to set alarms, frequently an upper and lower value, that will alert you to wayward cooker temps or food nearing completion. Most alarms are an audible/visual signal displayed on the control box, the remote, or on your smartphone. Many units have pre-programmed temperature values for different levels of doneness for different types of meat or you can set your own values. Most pre-programmed temperatures conform to the USDA standards, values that would usually result in overcooked food. The choice is yours. For an overview of safe doneness temperatures, see our award-winning temperature guide here.

Most smartphone apps present the same info: temperature, alarm settings, and a temperature vs. time graph for each probe. The graphs are helpful in determining the onset of the stall. Some are more intuitive to navigate than others. Many allow you to save or download the graphical data; you’ll have to decide how important that is to you. (I use such data when testing thermostatic controllers.)

Most IFICs operate on batteries, although some require an AC power source. Think about the availability of power at your cooker if considering the latter category.

As with instant reads, quality of construction and resistance to moisture are considerations. Cheaper units often aren’t designed and built to survive a rainstorm, something to think about if you’re planning to use the control box outdoors.

Prioritize your needs then use our database to find a highly-rated product to fill them.

Slow ‘N Sear SNS-500 Wireless Remote Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

The new Slow 'N Sear SNS-500 four-channel, long range food thermometer performs well, is solidly built, and earned our Gold Medal Award. Check out our complete review.

Tappecue Touch And Airprobe2 Bundle Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the updated Airprobe2 for use with the Tappecue Touch that exhibits excellent accuracy in a wireless "smart" thermometer probe.

Yummly Wireless Meat Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the Yummly Wireless Meat Thermometer, a fully wireless "smart" thermometer that simultaneously measures food and ambient temperatures and communicates this info to your smart phone.

MeatStick X Wireless Food Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the MeatStick X, a fully wireless "smart" thermometer that simultaneously measures food and ambient temperatures and communicates this info to your smart phone.

Meatstick Wi-Fi-Bluetooth Food Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

The Meatstick Wi-Fi-Bluetooth Food Thermometer is a tool that allows a wireless temperature probe to communicate with a smart phone to monitor cooking progress.

Meater Block Food Thermometer Review And Rating


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

The Meater Block is a novel approach to the wireless temperature measurement product category. While most competing products employ temperature probes tethered to a transmitter by a braided wire, the Meater builds the transmitter and battery to power it into the probe itself.

CookPerfect Comfort Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our detailed review of the CookPerfect Comfort Bluetooth wireless food thermometer that got a Silver Medal for its clean design and user-friendly app.

Govee H5055 Bluetooth Meat Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our complete review of the Govee H5055 Bluetooth Meat Thermometer, a Silver Medal winner for its clean design, ease of use, and good performance.

Meatrix Model 101 Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the Meatrix Model 101 system, a cooking thermometer that employs a menu-driven approach to cooking food that invokes an algorithm aimed at cooking to a selected doneness and meeting USDA food safety standards. We gave it a Silver Medal.

Maverick XR-40 Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the new Maverick XR-40, a two-channel wireless remote food/cooker thermometer that boasts an extended range of up to 500 feet (152m) and won a Gold Medal.

ThermoWorks Signals Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the new ThermoWorks Signals, a four-channel Bluetooth/Wi-Fi-enabled remote thermometer with four probes, a Gold Medal Winner.

Tappecue Touch Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our complete review of the Tappecue Touch, a four-channel, Internet-enabled wireless food thermometer, that got a Gold Medal.

Maverick XR-50 Remote Four-Probe Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

The Maverick XR-50 is an extended-range, four-channel wireless remote food and cooker thermometer. It ships with two straight 6" probes and two straight 3" probes. It is well constructed with a robust case and heavy-duty probes, so it should stand up well. Wins a solid top rating for performance and construction.

Blameless Cooking EasyBBQ Wireless Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our in-depth analysis of the Blameless Cooking EasyBBQ Thermometer whose performance and build quality earned it a Silver Medal.

Tegam 931B Data Logging Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our review of the Tegam 931B Data Logging Thermometer, an industrial grade tool for temperature collection data that we awarded a Gold Medal.

ThermoPro TP-12 Dual Probe Remote Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the ThermoPro TP-12, a dual-channel remote food/cooker thermometer with good performance at a low price, earning it a Silver Medal.

ThermoPro TP-11 Remote Food Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read the full review of the ThermoPro TP-11, a wireless remote food thermometer with good accuracy that we awarded a Bronze Medal.

ThermoPro TP-21 Remote Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

The ThermoPro TP-21 is a single-probe wireless remote thermometer with user-programmable temperature alarms and USDA-approved temperature settings. It also includes a timer function. We give this unit a Bronze Medal.

ThermoPro TP-08 Remote Dual-Probe Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our full review of the ThermoPro TP-08S, a dual-probe, wireless remote food and cooker thermometer. We give this unit a Bronze Medal for decent performance and average build quality.

ThermoPro TP-22 Remote Dual-Probe Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the ThermoPro TP-22, a dual-probe wireless remote thermometer with user-programmable temperature alarms, USDA-approved settings, and a timer function. We give this unit a Silver Medal.

ThermoPro TP-17 Dual-Probe Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the ThermoPro TP-17, a dual-probe food thermometer with an up/down timer function. We give this product a Silver Medal for very good performance at a low price.

Auber SYL-1615SYS-W Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our comprehensive review of the Auber SYL-1615SYS-W thermostatic controller that we gave a Gold Medal for its ease of use and excellent performance. It automatically regulates the temperature in charcoal or wood-fired cookers as fuel is consumed during those long barbecue sessions.

BBQ Guru CyberQ Cloud Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

The CyberQ Cloud is BBQ Guru's new entry into the remote thermostatic controller market intended for use on charcoal grills or smokers. It adds a cloud connection that allows monitoring and setting most control functions from anywhere an Internet connection is available, using a browser or app. It gets our top rating.

InkBird IBT-4XS Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our thorough review of the InkBird IBT-4XS, a four-channel, Bluetooth-enabled wireless thermometer that communicates with smartphone applications, either Apple or Android. We gave it a Silver Medal for good performance.

G&C Ltd. GrillEye Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our comprehensive review of the GrillEye, a six-channel, Bluetooth-enabled cooking thermometer that comes with two included probes. We give it a Bronze Medal.

Morpilot Smart BBQ Meter Pro Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is our review of the Morpilot, a six-channel remote thermometer that communicates with a smartphone application via Bluetooth. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

ThermoWorks ThermaQ Wi-Fi Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our full review of the ThermoWorks ThermaQ Wi-Fi, a two-channel device that connects to your router, and makes monitoring possible anywhere there is an Internet connection. We give this a Gold Medal for its quality construction, features, and flexibility.

ThermoWorks ThermaQ Blue Kit Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our analysis of the ThermoWorks ThermaQ Blue Kit that includes the control unit, a tripod, a food probe, a cooker probe, a grate clip and software for your smartphone. This unit has improved range over earlier Bluetooth units and gets a Gold Medal for its quality.

ThermoPro TP-20 Remote Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read the complete review of the ThermoPro TP-20 Remote Thermometer, a two-probe, wireless remote reading thermometer with a timer function. We give it a Silver Medal for being a good value.

Maverick ET-736 Wi-Fi Roasting Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the ET-736, Maverick’s latest entry into the remote thermometer market, and follows the very successful ET-732 and ET-733 wireless models. This unit falls short in terms of performance and features, and we do not recommend it.

FireBoard FBX11 Review


Meathead, Founder And BBQ Hall of Famer

FireBoard has set a new standard in food thermometry. It is a remote read, cloud connected, data logger, with connections for up to six probes. It can communicate with a smart phone via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to monitor the temps of both cooker and food. The FireBoard FBX11 received our top rating for its full feature set and performance.

BBQube 5X Family of Probes Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of these replacement probes for the Maverick ET-732/733.

ThermoWorks Smoke Review


Meathead, Founder And BBQ Hall of Famer

The ThermoWorks "Smoke," is a two-channel, in-food/in-oven, wireless remote thermometer that is well made, easy to use, and performs very well. It has a transmitter attached to two probes and a remote receiver that you can put in your pocket. It can be operated over the Internet using the Gateway. A solid top rating!

ThermoPro TP-10 Digital Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our comprehensive review of the ThermoPro TP-10, a single-channel food thermometer with good accuracy at a good price. We give it a Silver Medal for value.

ThermoPro TP-06 Digital Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our full review of the ThermoPro TP-06, a single-channel food thermometer with good accuracy at a good price. We give it a Silver Medal for its good performance and low price.

ThermoPro TP-16 Digital Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is our analysis of the ThermoPro TP-16, a single-channel food thermometer with good accuracy at a good price. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

ThermoPro TP-04 Digital Food Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is our review of the ThermoPro TP-04, a single-channel food thermometer with good accuracy at a good price. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

ThermoPro TP-07 Remote Food Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See the full review of the ThermoPro TP-07, a single-channel wireless remote food thermometer with good accuracy at a good price. We give it a Silver Medal for decent performance at an attractive price.

ThermoPro TP-09 BBQ/Grill/Cooking Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is the complete review of the ThermoPro TP-09, a single-probe wireless remote thermometer designed to measure food temperatures. We give it a Silver Medal for performance at a good price.

Cappec Glow KTH06 Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See the complete review of the Cappec "Glow" KTH06, a single channel leave-in food thermometer with a timer feature that merits a Bronze Medal.

Rock’s Bar-B-Que Stoker II Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our thorough review of the Rock's Stoker II, a significantly improved version of the original Stoker with new features and much better performance. This one gets a Gold Medal.

Engelbrecht 10776-03290 Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our detailed review of the Engelbrecht 10776-03290, a very accurate dial thermometer intended to read cooker temperature that received a Gold Medal. Most of the dial thermometers installed as original equipment on most grills are not accurate, but this one is a good replacement that works well.

ThermoWorks ThermaQ Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here's the full report on the ThermoWorks ThermaQ, a high-quality readout, using Type K thermocouple probes for someone looking for a rugged instrument that can be used in many ways. We gave this a Gold Medal for its rugged construction, versatility, and performance.

Maverick ET-735 Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our thorough review of the Maverick ET-735, a four-channel, Bluetooth-enabled wireless thermometer system with features that will make it a star with the barbecue crowd. We gave it a Gold Medal for its performance.

Supermechanical Range Temperature Probe Rating And Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our review of the Supermechanical Range temperature probe that is designed to work with later iPhones and performs acceptably. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

AW131 Talking Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our complete review of the Oregon Scientific AW131 Talking Thermometer, an attractive single probe remote thermometer that performs as advertised. We give it a Silver Medal for its performance.

Smart Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our complete review of the Williams-Sonoma Smart Thermometer, a Wi-Fi connectable thermometer that can also be used in a stand-alone mode. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Pitmaster IQ110 Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our analysis of the Pitmaster IQ110, a straightforward temperature controller for charcoal grills and smokers. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

BBQ Guru CyberQ WiFi Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our detailed test and evaluation of the BBQ Guru CyberQ WiFi thermostatic controller that received a Gold Medal for its full feature set, ease of use, and good performance. This electronic controller regulates the temperature of wood-fired or charcoal cookers during those long barbecue sessions.

BBQ Guru DigiQ Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our complete review of the BBQ Guru DigiQ DX2, a thermostatic controller for charcoal or wood cookers with an extra probe to monitor food temps. We give it a Silver Medal for its feature set and performance.

Auber SYL-2615 Thermostatic Controller Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Auber Instrument's latest entry into the barbecue temperature controller market is the SYL-2615. It adds to the features of its earlier model with a food probe and programmable steps. It communicates with the user either via its panel display and buttons or an app that runs on smart phones. It gets our top rating.

BBQ Guru PartyQ Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read the full review of the BBQ Guru PartyQ, a temperature regulator for charcoal cookers that holds the temperature constant while cooking. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Fluke 87 V Multimeter Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our review of the Fluke 87 V multimeter that has a temperature probe that can be used for cooker temps, or food with other probes.

Weber iGrillmini Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the Weber iGrillmini, a small Bluetooth device that communicates with a smart device like an iPhone or iPad. We awarded it a Bronze Medal.

Tappecue Four Channel Temperature Monitor Review And Rating


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our analysis of the Tappecue, an innovative product for monitoring up to four temperatures anywhere Internet access is available. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Cappec NS-BTH01 Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the Cappec NS-BTH01, a dual-probe, Bluetooth-enabled digital thermometer that works with Apple and Android products. We give it a Silver Medal for its performance and features.

Weber iGrill2 Bluetooth Remote Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our thorough review of the iDevices iGrill2, a Bluetooth-enabled remote thermometer that has two probes and is accessed using your smartphone. We gave it a Gold Medal for its performance.

Cooper DTT361 Cooking Thermo-Timer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is the complete review of the Cooper DTT361, a compact leave-in food/cooker thermometer with a clock/timer function. We give it a Silver Medal.

ThermoWorks Semi-Pro BBQ Kit Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the ThermoWorks Semi-Pro BBQ Kit, a setup for serious cooks who want quality and value. It's a Gold Medal winner.

ThermoWorks Pro BBQ Kit by Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Even though this kit has been discontinued, read the review of the complete thermometer kit for the serious cook.

Weber iGrill Cooking and Barbecue Thermometer With Dual Probes Review


Meathead, Founder And BBQ Hall of Famer

See our full review of the iDevices iGrill Cooking and Barbecue Thermometer with dual probes, a Bluetooth-enabled unit with Apple and Android apps that received a Silver Medal.

iCelsius BBQ And Cooking Thermometer Review


Meathead, Founder And BBQ Hall of Famer

Read our review of the iCelsius BBQ and Cooking Thermometer, an accessory for some Apple iPhones that won a Gold Medal. It's a plug-and-play accessory that automatically launches its app when plugged into your phone, allowing you to monitor your food or cooker temperatures.

iCelsius Wireless BBQ Review


Meathead, Founder And BBQ Hall of Famer

Read our complete review of the Gold Medal-winning iCelsius Wireless, a Wi-Fi connected thermometer that communicates with smart devices such as an iPhone or Android or your computer using a browser. There are a number of accessory probes available, with more on the way.

Tel-Tru MT39R Dial Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our full review of the Tel-Tru MT39R, a dial thermometer intended for food temp measurement. We give it a Silver Medal for its accuracy.

Tel-Tru BT275R Dial Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the Tel-Tru BT275R, a dial thermometer intended for food temp measurement that can be left in food in the oven/cooker. We give it a Silver Medal.

Tel-Tru GT100R Dial Thermometer Review

The Tel-Tru GT100R is a dial thermometer intended for food temp measurement.

Tel-Tru LT225R Dial Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the Tel-Tru LT225R, an accurate dial thermometer intended for food temp measurement that can be left in the oven/cooker. We give it a Silver Medal for its excellent accuracy.

Tel-Tru BQ300 Barbecue Grill Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here's a thorough look at the Tel-Tru BQ300 Barbecue Grill Thermometer, an accurate instrument intended to replace the small, inaccurate units found on many grills/smokers.

Weber 9815 – Dial-type Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the Weber 9815, an in-oven/in-meat dial thermometer is an accurate but slow-to-respond unit. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Polder 362-90 Digital In-Oven Thermometer with Timer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read the complete review of the Polder 362-90 Digital In-Oven Thermometer, a thermometer/timer that has basic features and good accuracy.

Weber 6741 Wireless Two-Probe Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is a complete review of the Weber 6741, a nicely-made, easy to use dual-probe remote thermometer with good accuracy, range and utility. We gave it a Silver Medal.

Polder 362-86 Digital In-Oven Thermometer with Timer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the Polder 362-86 Digital In-Oven Thermometer, a thermometer/timer that has basic features and good accuracy. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Weber 6742 Barbecue Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Click here to read the full review of the Weber 6742, a well-made and attractive leave-in thermometer that exhibited excellent accuracy and nice features. We awarded it a Silver Medal.

ThermoWorks Y-232-101 Therma Waterproof Kit Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is our complete review of the ThermoWorks Y-232-101 Therma Waterproof, a rugged, industrial-grade rapid read thermometer that has industry leading speed. We give it a Gold Medal for its build quality and flexibility of use.

Maverick ET-71 Remote Wireless Cooking Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read the complete review of the Maverick ET-71, an inexpensive single-probe remote thermometer that has reasonable accuracy and acceptable response times. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

ThermoWorks OT200D Oven Dial Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the ThermoWorks OT200D, an inexpensive dial thermometer that is too inaccurate to be of any use. We do not recommend this product.

Maverick ET-72 Deluxe Single Probe Remote Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is the complete review of the Maverick ET-72, an inexpensive single-probe remote thermometer that has doneness settings that can be user-modified, as well as an up/down timer. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

ThermoWorks Therma K Plus with 313-158 Probe Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the ThermoWorks Therma K Plus Kit, an expensive thermometer that exhibits superb accuracy and very rapid response times. We give it a Gold Medal for its solid construction and flexibility in use.

Maverick ET-73 Remote Smoker Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the Maverick ET-73, a nicely made two-probe remote unit that tracks food and smoker temperatures with an up/down counter that will alarm when it reaches zero. We give it only a Silver Medal because it does not detect and announce loss of communication.

ThermoWorks MicroTherma 2K with 303-159 Probe Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our full analysis of the ThermoWorks MicroTherma 2K, a high-accuracy unit that accepts any K-type thermocouple. We gave it a Silver Medal for its excellent accuracy and a quick response time.

Maverick ET-7 Dual Probe Remote Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read the full review of the Maverick ET-7, a two-probe remote unit that has some interesting features, fair accuracy, and a few glitches. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Maverick ET-732 Redi-Check Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

The Maverick ET-732 is a dual-probe, remote thermometer used to monitor both barbecue and food temperatures. The probes plug into a transmitter that sends data to the receiver that can be located up to 300' (91m) away. We gave it our top rating for its full feature set and accurate performance.

ThermoWorks ChefAlarm (TX-1100-XX) Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

The Thermoworks Chef Alarm is a leave-in-food or leave-in-oven thermometer. The display unit remains outside the cooker and displays the probe temperature, min and max temperatures, upper and lower alarm settings and has a count-down timer function. It gets a top rating for its construction, features and performance.

Maverick ET-84 Voice Alert Anticipation Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is our complete review of the Maverick ET-84, an inexpensive unit that has a limited temperature range and voice alerts to warn of food readiness. We give it a Silver Medal for its feature set.

ThermoWorks TW8060 Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the DISCONTINUED ThermoWorks TW8060, a two-channel display that works with external probes. It has an alarm on one channel and received a Silver Medal.

Maverick ET-8 Single Probe Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the Maverick ET-8, an inexpensive meat probe thermometer that performs well and has several innovative features. It merits a Silver Medal for its features and performance.

ThermoWorks BlueTherm Duo (292-601) Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the BlueTherm Duo, a two-channel, Bluetooth-enabled display that works with external probes and can communicate with desktop or mobile devices. We gave it a Bronze Medal for its short range of reception.

Maverick ET-83 Dual Probe Oven Roasting Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the Maverick ET-83, a two-probe thermometer with two independently-alarmed temperature settings but limited temperature range. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Maverick ST-100 Chef Tunes Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is the full review of the ST-100 Chef Tunes, an unusual product with a thermometer, music player and telephone in one counter-top unit. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Polder THM-550N Oven Thermometer – Dial Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here's our review of the Polder THM-550N, an inexpensive dial-type oven thermometer that displayed good accuracy. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Maverick ET-733 Redi-Check Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See the complete review of the ET-733 Redi-Check, a dual-probe transmitter/receiver designed for food and oven monitoring from a remote location. We gave it a Gold Medal for great performance and a full feature set.

Polder THM-570 Grill Surface Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is our review of the Polder THM-570, an unusual thermometer designed to be placed on a grill to determine cooking surface temperature. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

AcuRite 00278 Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our complete review of the AcuRite 00278, a transmitter/receiver pair that will monitor food temperature or announce a countdown timer's zero. It gets a Silver Medal for its performance and features.

Polder 12454 In-Oven Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our full review of the Polder 12454, a dial-type leave-in-food thermometer that has good accuracy and a very readable display. It is protected by a silicone covering. We give it a Silver Medal for accuracy and ruggedness.

BradleySmoker BTDIGTHERMO Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our review of the Bradleysmoker BTDIGTHERMO, a relatively inexpensive in-food thermometer with a number of operating modes. We do not recommend this product.

Polder 307T Preprogrammed Cooking Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the Polder 307T, an in-oven/in-food thermometer that has a hinged readout, pre-programmed temperatures, and pre-done warning alarms. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Weber 9815 – Dial-type Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the Weber 9815, an in-oven/in-meat dial thermometer is an accurate but slow-to-respond unit. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Polder 362-90 Digital In-Oven Thermometer with Timer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read the complete review of the Polder 362-90 Digital In-Oven Thermometer, a thermometer/timer that has basic features and good accuracy.

Weber 6741 Wireless Two-Probe Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is a complete review of the Weber 6741, a nicely-made, easy to use dual-probe remote thermometer with good accuracy, range and utility. We gave it a Silver Medal.

Polder 362-86 Digital In-Oven Thermometer with Timer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Read our review of the Polder 362-86 Digital In-Oven Thermometer, a thermometer/timer that has basic features and good accuracy. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

Maverick ET-85 Roasting Digital Thermometer with Timer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is the complete review of the Maverick ET-85, an inexpensive unit that has a unique probe that measures both the oven temp and the food temp. It has excellent accuracy. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

ThermoWorks PT1438 Dial Thermometer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

Here is our review of the ThermoWorks PT1438 Dial Thermometer that has good accuracy and a long probe for in-oven/in-food measurements. We gave it a Bronze Medal.

ThermoWorks TW362B Cooking Thermometer/Timer Review


Bill McGrath, Chief Thermometer Reviewer

See our complete review of the ThermoWorks TW362B Cooking Thermometer/Timer that has an adjustable target cooking temperature and a count-down timer, both with alarms. Although this unit is now discontinued, it got a Gold Medal while it was available.

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Published On: 9/27/2019 Last Modified: 6/22/2024

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Millions come to every month for high quality tested recipes, tips on technique, science, mythbusting, product reviews, and inspiration. But it is expensive to run a website with more than 2,000 pages and we don’t have a big corporate partner to subsidize us.

Our most important source of sustenance is people who join our Pitmaster Club. But please don’t think of it as a donation. Members get MANY great benefits. We block all third-party ads, we give members free ebooks, magazines, interviews, webinars, more recipes, a monthly sweepstakes with prizes worth up to $2,000, discounts on products, and best of all a community of like-minded cooks free of flame wars. Click below to see all the benefits, take a free 30 day trial, and help keep this site alive.

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1) Please try the search box at the top of every page before you ask for help.

2) Try to post your question to the appropriate page.

3) Tell us everything we need to know to help such as the type of cooker and thermometer. Dial thermometers are often off by as much as 50°F so if you are not using a good digital thermometer we probably can’t help you with time and temp questions. Please read this article about thermometers.

4) If you are a member of the Pitmaster Club, your comments login is probably different.

5) Posts with links in them may not appear immediately.

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